Whistleblowing instruction

Arctic Paper strives to maintain a transparent business climate and a high level of business ethics. A number of policies, internal requirements, laws, rules and routines governs the operations of Arctic Paper. Our aim is to act with transparency and we want our employees and other stakeholders to experience participation in the business.

Purpose of the system
The whistle-blower system gives everyone an opportunity to inform about a suspicion of a serious misconduct that is not in line with Arctic Paper Code of Conduct policy, values and behaviour.

When you can use it
As a different stakeholder, internal or external, you can use Arctic Paper whistleblowing service.

In the first instance, we encourage you as an Arctic Paper employee to turn to your nearest manager. If you are an external stakeholder you can get in contact with your own manager and then inform Arctic Paper contact person. If you feel that you cannot be open with your information, we offer an opportunity to report your suspicion anonymously.

The whistle-blower system can be used to provide information if you suspect that something is not in line with Arctic Paper values and ethical principles, and that can seriously affect our organization or a person's life or health.

You do not have to have proof of your suspicion, but all messages must be given in good faith.

How to use it
To ensure your anonymity, the system is handled by an external party WhistleB, Whistleblowing Center, report.whistleb.com/arcticpaper


Copy or enter the address in a web browser and follow the instructions. After you are done, close the web browser.

Remember – the communication channel is encrypted and password protected. All messages are treated confidentially.